Hi, I’m Shannon

It’s time to end burnout…

and find your balance in pure brilliance!

I see you, struggling the way I did, frustrated and trapped in a relentless cycle of brilliance and burnout..

I see you kicking ass in your career and your career kicking your ass right back.

I see you following all the traditional paths that society tells us will lead to happiness.

I see you at the happy hours, the boutique gyms, the spa, and I see you buying one more designer handbag.

I see you with more than the conventional norms and expectations and feeling unfulfilled.

I see you desperate to find a way out of the overwhelming chaos and dissatisfaction .

I see you being pulled back to the holistic world, as if there’s an undeniable force guiding towards ancient wisdom and healing practices.

You glow differently when your confidence if fueled by a belief in yourself instead of validation from others
— Unkown

Just because you choose a different path doesn’t mean you are lost…

You don’t have to live a life of in the cycle of burnout and brilliance any more! But I absolutely understand, because I was in your shoes 10 years ago.

You want to thrive in your career with sustained holistic success and live your life with a more powerful presence - but following the conventional paths that society dictates for achieving happiness is leaving you unfulfilled and burned out.

Hey there, I’m Shannon.

I am committed to helping spiritually minded high achieving women embrace their authentic selves and lead lives of purpose and fulfillment by integrating ancient wisdom with modern strategy to end burnout and have a more powerful presence.

Its my mission and soul purpose to help high achieving women break the cycle of burnout and brilliance by using ancient knowledge combines with modern strategies so they can holistically sustain success.

and live a life they absolutely love!

Here is my story

I embarked on a journey driven by curiosity and defiance, unknowingly planting the seeds for a profound spiritual awakening that would unfold over the next 18 years…

Growing up in Arizona with deep tribal roots, I felt drawn to shamanism, witchcraft, and Eastern medicine, despite my family's devout Catholicism. This created an internal struggle as I explored these alternative paths alongside my upbringing. Encouraged to study various religions and cultural beliefs in school, I embarked on a journey driven by curiosity and defiance, unknowingly planting the seeds for a profound spiritual awakening that would unfold over the next 18 years.

I felt like the burn out lasted longer than brilliance

In 2009, while navigating single motherhood and a demanding career in Arizona, I faced significant challenges with minimal support. Despite achieving professional success, I grappled with feelings of inadequacy and societal expectations. This period culminated in a medical crisis when misguided treatment exacerbated my health issues, prompting me to reclaim control over my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Seeking alternative healing, I turned to a Reiki therapist, marking a pivotal moment in my journey. An unusual experience during my first session became a signpost towards spiritual enlightenment and holistic healing, propelling me into a decade-long quest for knowledge and self-discovery. Through this journey, I integrated ancient healing practices with modern life, reinvigorating my energy and resilience.

Balancing this clandestine spiritual journey with corporate life challenged me to communicate the transformative power of holistic healing within a skeptical environment. Over time, I witnessed a shift in perspectives as others began to recognize the relevance of spiritual principles in their own lives, spurred by my own healing journey.

Balancing this clandestine spiritual journey with corporate life challenged me…

Balancing this clandestine spiritual journey with corporate life challenged me…

I see a profound shift occurring, particularly among women in corporate America who are experiencing burnout at alarming rates. I strongly believe that we all possess innate healing abilities. As a single working mother, the idea of leaving the country for a weekend healing retreat was not feasible for me. Similarly, dedicating a decade to overcoming burnout is impractical for many women. The time for change is now!

Moving to Nashville sparked another awakening, prompting deep reflection on my upbringing and relationships. Confronting generational trauma through practices like reiki and crystal healing, I rediscovered a profound sense of authenticity and resilience. Despite setbacks in reconciling with my estranged family, I embraced lessons in self-love and acceptance, empowering myself to break cycles of emotional turmoil and seek true validation within. Balance within.

This journey doesn't mean I'm immune to burnout myself

I came to understand that a significant portion of my burnout was rooted in coping with a narcissistic parent, compounded by a lack of knowledge on how to maintain the energetic body as a vital organ. The need to constantly prove myself and the understanding of how this impacted my life led to extreme burnout. Recognizing the energetic connection to this childhood trauma has enabled me to assist numerous women in navigating their own burnout experiences.

This journey doesn't mean I'm immune to burnout myself. However, it has equipped me to identify symptoms early on and navigate immediately to the energy centers that are over or underactive with precision, bringing them back into alignment. This experience underscored the importance of finding a balance between a fully spiritual existence and a more human one, as I have lived through both extremes and understand the struggles of navigating the space in between. By combining ancient wisdom with modern strategies, I help women end burnout and find their most powerful presence. Learning to heal ourselves and maintain our energetic body doesn’t have to be daunting or full of “the woo”.

Are you ready to start your journey, end burnout, and find holistic success in 90 days? Book your complimentary discovery call and let’s talk.

Embark on your journey to overcome burnout and unlock your potential in 3 easy steps

A complimentary resource that will empower you to quickly and easily start your path towards rejuvenation, balance and fulfillment